Using the steps above, conduct an experiment to determine how many of the 30 selected cameras are working. Repeat the experiment on a subsequent day (or optionally, over multiple days) and report which of the cameras are working each day tested. For each camera URL tested, visit the site and record how often your program was right or wrong in predicting the operation of the camera. For more improved results at estimating the "uptime" of these cameras, you may elect to select two different sets of 30 cameras on each day tested.
Write a 2-page report on your experiment. In the methods section, you can describe your program generally and then include a copy of your program as an appendix. Give a 5-minute presentation to the class on your experiment and findings.
Note. You must complete this this task within the first weeks of the course. You may complete assignment 1 and then later change your mind about which project you will in fact provide as your term project, provided your final decision occurs prior to the second project assignment and is approved by the instructor. See the course schedule.
One way to accomplish this feat by tracking people is to use Henry Schneiderman's face detection program, as was used in Lab 6. Your program will most likely have to resize the images to make them sufficiently large enough to process faces. You will then have to count the number of faces that typically go undetected, so as to predict the total number of people from the number of detected faces.
A way to accomplish this feat by tracking vehicles during daylight is for you to write a routine similar in spirit to Henry Schneiderman's face detection program. In this case, it would be a vehicle detection program. First, you identify the parts of the image where vehicles are likely to appear. Then, you devise templates for the general shapes or features vehicles are likely to have. You can then use your own routine to track vehicles occuring in the images. In scoring the correctness of your program, you will have to count the number of vehicles that typically go undetected (or conversely any over counts due to false positives), so as to predict the total number of vehicles from the number of detected vehicles.
A simple way to track vehicles at night is to use the headlights in an otherwise dark scene. In this case, you write a program that tracks the number of headlights and rear lights appearing in the scene and use these values to predict the number of vehicles. In scoring the correctness of your program, you will have to count the number of vehicles that typically go undetected (or conversely any over counts due to false positives), so as to predict the total number of vehicles from the number of detected vehicles.
You may elect to do any of these three approaches. You do not have to do more than one approach for one camera. However, we do not have control over these cameras, so you may want to have a back-up URL for which your program works in case the original URL becomes inoperable.
Assignment 2. Report your algorithmic design for the approach you will take. If you elect to do the first approach, which uses Henry Schneiderman's face detection algorithm, then your algorithmic design will consist of the enlargement routine you will write. Your approach will become a web resource. As you progress in this project, you may further modify or even abandon your original design. That is allowed, but for assignment 2 you report your original algorithm.
Final report. Complete your program and gather findings. Based on your findings, explore the use of the program for surveillance purposes. Express benefits as well as privacy concerns. Propose a policy, technology or experiment that would help allow the benefits while addressing the concerns. Write a final report for the project and prepare and conduct an in-person poster presentation of your work.
Graduate credit: If you are taking this course for graduate credit, you must complete the analysis for at least 3 different cameras. Rather than writing a project report, you will write a conference-style paper on your work.
You may want to write a routine similar in spirit to Henry Schneiderman's face detection program. If so, you would identify the parts of the image where vehicles are likely to appear, and then devise templates for the general shapes or features vehicles are likely to have.
Assignment 2. Report your algorithmic design for identifying a vehicle. This will become a web resource. As you progress in this project, you may further modify or even abandon your original design. That is allowed, but for assignment 2 you report your original algorithm.
Final report. Complete the tasks above. Run the the program for a stretch of time on two or more days. Confirm the correctness of the logs generated. Based on your findings, explore the use of the program for law-enforcement purposes. Express benefits as well as privacy concerns. Propose a policy, technology or experiment that would help allow the benefits while addressing the concerns. Write a final report for the project and prepare and conduct an in-person poster presentation of your work.
Graduate credit: If you are taking this course for graduate credit, you must complete the analysis for at least 3 different cameras. Rather than writing a project report, you will write a conference-style paper on your work.
Assignment 2. Report your algorithmic design for predicting weather. This will become a web resource. As you progress in this project, you may further modify or even abandon your original design. That is allowed, but for assignment 2 you report your original algorithm.
Final report. Complete the tasks above. Run the the program for some days and record its correctness. Based on your findings, explore the use of the program for predicting pinpoint weather conditions. Express benefits as well as privacy concerns. Propose a policy, technology or experiment that would help allow the benefits while addressing the concerns. Write a final report for the project and prepare and conduct an in-person poster presentation of your work.
Graduate credit: If you are taking this course for graduate credit, you must complete the analysis for at least 3 different cameras. Rather than writing a project report, you will write a conference-style paper on your work.