Research Activities

The primary goal of Data Privacy Lab research is to create architectural, algorithmic and technological foundations for the maintenance of the privacy of individuals, the confidentiality of organizations, and the protection of sensitive information, given the requirement that information be released publicly or semi-publicly. We seek to invent balanced approaches that integrate technology and policy together for the purpose of satisfying society's need for data while protecting society's need for privacy. We will develop these new approaches by studying problems and specific data collections contributed by our industrial and government partners, and we will make our results immediately available to Data Privacy Lab partners. Thus, our partners will have access to new methods and findings long before they become commercially or publicly available.

Data Privacy Lab research can be viewed either in terms of basic scientific issues to be addressed, or in terms of specific data and applications. The exact list of applications and specific data collections examined will be determined in great part by the needs of our industrial and government partners. The list of basic research topics is therefore based on those needs and on faculty research interests and expertise. Clearly, the most important scientific and policy issues will have significant impact across many different application areas. This allows Data Privacy Lab to spread the cost of this basic research over multiple problem domains and multiple funding sources. Below is a sample of current research activities in the Data Privacy Lab.

For a sample of projects currently underway, see Data Privacy Lab current projects.

Related Data Privacy Lab links

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