ZIP Code.
Log into your profile and select View or edit your public profile.
Then scroll down to Geographic Information
and select Edit. Reduce your ZIP code to the first three digits
by replacing the last 2 with 'xx' (ie 02138 -> 021xx) or delete it altogether.
Use our CCR (Continuity of Care Record) editor
to change your date of birth to report only year of birth or remove it altogether
in the CCR file you upload to the PGP.
The CCR file is the file you uploaded to populate
your PGP profile, referred to on your profile as a PHR (personal health record).
Login to your account and download your current CCR file, edit
the date of birth using the editor at the link above, and then upload the modified file
to PGP. The PGP system will then re-populate your profile with the modified date of birth entry.
Embedded Names
Check the files you have uploaded for your name appearing in the filename
or in the file itself. If you find your name, download the file
to your computer. If your name appears in the filename, change the filename (removing your name).
If your name appears within the document, load the appropriate program (e.g., a text editor for text files)
and remove your name from the file. Once you have corrected the file, delete the file
from your profile on PGP and upload the modified file back to your profile.