Research Results

Publicly available test beds | Learning information | Controlling what can be learned | Issues and Impacts | Projects

Publicly available test beds
CameraWatch Publicly available cameras observing people in public spaces
Application: camera views (Search, Submit), Demo
SSNwatch Publicly available Social Security numbers
Application: Matching a person to their SSN, Demo

Learning information about people and organizations

GenTree Learning semantically robust rules from data
Application: voter registration data
Linking Learning sensitive information by linking de-identified and explicitly identified data
Application: health data
Application: genomic data
RosterFinder Locating lists of people on the web
Application: computer science undergraduates (ICU), Demo
ScamSlam Learning the Criminal Relations Behind Scam Spam
Application: Internet Fraud
Semantic Learning Sentiment Extraction from Text
Application: Personal Preferences
Trails Learning where people have been by the trails of data they leave behind
Application: DNA sequences
Application: web logs, Demo (Internet Explorer Only)

Controlling what can be learned about people and organizations

Identifiability of data To how many people (or organizations) can a piece of data refer
Method: formal method
Application: field-structured data, HIPAA certification
Application: bioterrorism surveillance, HIPAA certification
k-anonymity Entities (e.g., people, organizations) are made "truthfully" indistinct from k-1 other entities in the data
Method: formal model, generalization, PCA
Application: field-structured data: Datafly, demo
Application: video data: k-Same, demo
Multiparty Computation Multiparty Computation of Randomly Ordered Players
Application: Distributed Surveillance

Configurable Security Protocols
Application: Secure List Comparison
Scrub De-identifying textual documents such as email, notes and letters
Application: clinical notes and letters

Privacy Technology Issues and Impact

Computer science research and privacy concerns
Information explosion in data collection and data sharing

For a more comprehesive list of research activities conducted at the Data Privacy Lab, see
Data Privacy Lab projects.

Related Data Privacy Lab links

Spring 2004 Data Privacy Laboratory