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Computation, Organizations & Society Lab

Syllabus, Assignments and Grading

Objectives of this course

The overall objective of the course is to introduce students to a broad array of research methods and to the related means by which research results are determined valid and generalizable using them. Students should learn basic research methods and the principles of writing a research paper.


Below is a list of topics expected to be covered in this course.


There will be several Lab assigments based on the content described above. These assignments involve various kinds of research experiences. Several lab assignments have a "follow-up" assignment. This is a small scale activity done by the student after the assignment concluded to further enrich learning.

Finally, each student ends the term with a term project based on project ideas introduced in the course.

Students are expected to be uniquely responsible for their work. However, working and sharing ideas with other students in the course who are working on similar or complementary work is strongly encouraged. All work will be published on the web.


Grading Policy

Your final grade in this course is based on:

Related Course links

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