Camera Watch

Overview | People | SEARCH for a camera | SUBMIT a link to a camera | JOIN mailing list

Below are some common searches for camera links. Click on one of the buttons below or SEARCH the database for a specific request.

* Lawsuits have emerged, so many jail sites are currently not operating.

Project Overview

We are constructing a repository of links to publicly available on-line webcams, where the webcams of interest are those that observe the public in public spaces. At present, we estimate there are about 10,000 such cameras displaying public places in the United States. Our goals are to assess the number and nature of such cameras, explore potential uses, and analyze and propose related policies and best practices.

Our database currently holds about 6000 URLs. This on-line edition of the database has only a few hundred direct links. 

You can search the database for a camera or submit a link to a camera for inclusion in the database.

People on this Project

Names of team members are listed below. Contact us by email at

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